Friday, May 28, 2010

To anonymous...

... who asked, 'Who's coming next?'

Well, that's a good question and I hope whoever it is comes soon. I'm suffering from self-absorption and moping and I have the sniffles.

What I would like is another little tiny black chihuahua with brown eyebrows who plays like a cat and likes to ride in my pocket. But I know that rescuing dogs isn't about what the humans want so much as it is what the dogs need, so we'll just have to see.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Do you suffer from ...

... self-absorption? Moodiness? Unnecessary worrying? Obsessive concern about cleanliness? Boredom?

Foster Puppies may be just what you need.
  • Taken regularly, they will prevent time for stewing about things that can't be corrected by stewing.
  • No more laying around in the morning, unable to face the day! It takes only one Foster Puppy to get you out of bed and cheer you up.
  • You will never again be controlled by a need for perfection. You will be satisfied with seeing puppy poo before you step in it.
Can't take a big one? Don't worry! Foster puppies come in all sizes!

Say this part really fast and in a cheerful voice:

Foster Puppies are not for everyone. Possible side effects are:
  • sadness and weeping on adoption days.
  • a desire to hide the Foster Puppy and deny that you took it.
  • addiction. A s soon as one is gone, you may feel an uncontrollable urge to to take another one.
Talk to your favorite Rescue Organization to see if Foster Puppies are right for you.

Yes, this means that Pocket is going to her new home, and I'm in my last three hours with her. I'm just trying to cheer myself up.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Pocket the flower puppy

We took Pocket out to the country on Sunday. She slept most of the time, because when it's cold outside the best place to be is inside someone's shirt. What a little darling!

Pocket 's big adventure

Well, I thought Pocket was on a big adventure. In fact, she was looking for a private place to poop. She finally found one behind a leaf (private places for Pocket don't have to be very big!)

Pocket and Uncle Pete

Pocket and Aunty Deb

Pocket and Murphy the Camping Cat

Pocket: 'What's your name? What's your name?'
Murphy: 'Never you mind. Just be glad I don't like mice.'

Friday, May 21, 2010

Jack the Cat says ...

"I don't know what you are, but I think you need a bath."

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Our Little Peanut

Gillmore has been adopted, and Gem is in the process of adoption. In the meantime, a glove has sacrificed its fingers to keep her little feet warm.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

One of those amazing moments ...

I can't remember who took this picture (the big one at the top), because we were both working with the same camera - it could have been me and it could have been my sister. Both of us are likely to lay claim to it for the rest of our lives, so this is my one and only admission that it may be Kathy's.

Either way, it's special. It would make a beautiful painting, but there's no need to paint it because it's perfect the way it is.

Friday, May 14, 2010


Little Gem had to go back to the hospital for a couple of days, but she's doing awesomely well now and will be discharged today to do more growing!

Gillmore is the sweetest little dog ever. He's so sweet that I've been letting him sleep at the bottom of the bed. Not on top of the bed, either, but under the covers. He likes to snuggle with our feet, and he only comes out when he needs to go pee. On car-rides, he jumps onto my shoulders and stays there until we reach our destination.

Both puppies have potential forever families, and we are very happy about that. Especially Don, who has been developing a worried look. He knows when I'm falling in love with a puppy!

Gillmore and his Baby Maggie bed

Gem and her hoodie bed

Gem and her slipper bed

Baby Maggie and Gem

Gillmore fits in where he can!

This started with Don watching sports. Then Gem climbed up onto his arm for a nap (Don does not snuggle puppies). Then Gillmore decided he needed a nap too, but there was no room left on Don's arm... except for Gillmore's little chin!

Megan and Gillmore

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

All about Gem (Pocket) and Gillmore (Rocket)

All right, these two have to be the cutest little things ever. We call them Pocket (because she loves to sit in places like pockets to watch the world go by) and Rocket (because he can climb onto the couch using his claws (just like a cat) and when he wants down he rockets himself off with no hesitation.

The little girl, Gem-Pocket, is still recovering from her airplane ride, but in between naps she's a fiery little thing. Gillmore-Rocket always wants to play, so he runs madly in circles around her. She puts up with it until he actually touches her, and then she gives him a bark and a snap and he scuttles away.

They will be difficult to part with. They're not like real dogs at all. Pocket likes to snuggle with my daughter, Jessica, either sleeping or watching the goings-on around her. Rocket likes to hang out in the crate by my desk, but whenever I get up and walk away I can hear his little paws behind me. They both shiver a lot, so their little jackets only come off at night.

They sleep together in a crate and are quiet all night. Once they're bigger and stronger (well, once Pocket is bigger and stronger) we'll separate them to prepare for adoption. For the time being, we're trying to fatten Pocket up so that Jack the Cat doesn't conclude that she's a mouse.

Gem says ...

"Are you my mama?"

Ginny says ...

"I will speak to you once I have identified your species. Until then, think of me as your Queen."

Gillmore (aka Rocket)

Why little dogs get to go more places.

It's all relative.

We thought Gillmore was tiny until Gem arrived!

Gem ...

... in her camoflage Warmani jacket warming up her tummy on the printer.

A Conversation

Gem (aka Pocket): "You sure don't look like a dog."
Buddybear: "I'm not supposed to look like a dog, because I'm a bear. You on the other hand ..."

Monday, May 10, 2010

Cute x 1.5 = Gem + Gillmore


... in her new leg Warmani jacket.

A (shivering) dog's life ...

"If you think it's so cute, why don't you wear it?"

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Resistance was Futile

And who can blame me? Look at that little face!

I did well for five days after the last of Maggie's litter was disbursed, and while I was painting walls I thought I might have had enough fostering. I even turned down the first request. But the paint was still drying when someone asked me if I could take Gillmore. Don visibly sighed (you know, where your shoulders kind of droop because you know there's no hope?) He didn't say anything though (because of the hope issue).

I picked up Gillmore this morning. He's a chihuahua-terrier cross. At 8 weeks, he weighs about 2 pounds but he's a sturdy little fellow who will have strong legs and tons of personality. His first lesson started today: no grrring at the big dogs while he's eating! That's the only lesson he's had so far except that it's nice and warm inside people's shirts. Tomorrow, we'll spill him out onto the floor to find his place among the rest of the pack.

Gillmore's little sister, Gem, is recovering from puppy jet-lag, and then (I hope!) she'll be coming to join him. Fingers crossed!

For information about adopting Gillmore or Gem or many other adorable little mutts, visit