Thursday, May 27, 2010

Do you suffer from ...

... self-absorption? Moodiness? Unnecessary worrying? Obsessive concern about cleanliness? Boredom?

Foster Puppies may be just what you need.
  • Taken regularly, they will prevent time for stewing about things that can't be corrected by stewing.
  • No more laying around in the morning, unable to face the day! It takes only one Foster Puppy to get you out of bed and cheer you up.
  • You will never again be controlled by a need for perfection. You will be satisfied with seeing puppy poo before you step in it.
Can't take a big one? Don't worry! Foster puppies come in all sizes!

Say this part really fast and in a cheerful voice:

Foster Puppies are not for everyone. Possible side effects are:
  • sadness and weeping on adoption days.
  • a desire to hide the Foster Puppy and deny that you took it.
  • addiction. A s soon as one is gone, you may feel an uncontrollable urge to to take another one.
Talk to your favorite Rescue Organization to see if Foster Puppies are right for you.

Yes, this means that Pocket is going to her new home, and I'm in my last three hours with her. I'm just trying to cheer myself up.


  1. Maggie...I hear ya! I have fallen in love with Pocket and I haven't even met her. Your concern about the suffering of others is overwhelming!

  2. Whose coming next?
