Sunday, September 26, 2010

Heeeeere's Toby!

I don't have him yet, because he's not here yet. But he will be soon, and I can't wait to scoop him up and snuggle him. Look at that beautiful, worried little furry face.

I haven't shown this picture to Don. I think he would observe that this is the expression of a dog who has just pooped on the carpet.

Saturday, September 25, 2010


Little Carrie has been adopted. It was quite sudden and unexpected, and I wasn't prepared to let her go as it turns out. Especially when she kept looking back at me in her little doggie language saying, hey... what's happening? Where are they taking me? Why aren't you coming with me? I thought you were my mom. Hey! Hey!

Oh well. I'll just have to think about something else. I love them all, but little dogs break my heart.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Carrie the Fashion Queen

Poor little Carrie! She licked her spay incision until it got infected (not because she's a bad girl, but because it was just So Bothersome!) So the vet gave her a cone to wear.

Where is that cone? you might be asking. Well, I asked Carrie that very thing, because she had it off before we were even out of the vet's parking lot. It's gone, she said. It was just So Bothersome!

So here is Carrie is wearing one of my old shirts, which covers up the spay incision just fine. She doesn't seem to mind it as much as the cone, and it only looks half as silly.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Carrie - mid-snuggle

When she's not in her chew-on-your-arm puppy mood, Carrie loves to cuddle. If she could talk, you would hear her saying, 'Up! Up!' as she bounces around your legs.

Ginny, Ginny's Toy and Carrie

Monday, September 6, 2010

Carrie and Ginny

Today was Carrie's first complete off-leash walk. She had to cover quite a distance. Most dogs look back to make sure you're not too far away, but Carrie runs back, circles our ankles and then dashes away again.

If you could see this picture close up, you'd have to admit that Carrie just isn't the cutest dog in the world no matter how hard she tries. But she is definitely one of the sweetest. When we feed her, she even runs to find us between bites - just checkin'!

Last night I let her up on the bed while I was reading. Don said, 'I don't think she should be on the bed. With her ticks.' Well, he was just being picky because she doesn't have ticks anymore. She only had the slight remains of toxic tick-poison-shampoo. But I thought it best not to mention that. Carrie was so happy she chewed on my arm like a puppy.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Little Carrie

It turns out that Cary is not a boy, he's a girl. So I've spelled his name 'Carrie', which is more girl-like. S/he's also much smaller than I thought she would be - 5.09 kilograms, or just over 11 pounds.

Even though she looks sad, she is definitely not. If you're looking for a happy, trouble-free little dog, this is a good one. As long as you don't want her to be beautiful and look like a girl.

Carrie is just learning English, and she gets her commands mixed up. For example, 'Sit!' means 'Bounce!'; 'Off!' means 'Bounce!'; and 'Down!' means 'Bounce! Bounce!' But she does recognize the universal 'CH!' sound, which makes her stop whatever she's doing and drop to the floor.

Her three favorite activities are (in this order): snacks, walks and snuggling. She follows her human from room to room all day long. At each stop, she curls up and goes to sleep - on the floor if necessary, and in your lap if possible.

This morning I thought I would be Cool Dog Woman and remove the four ticks who traveled with her from Cabo. I read the instructions and sterilized my tweezers.

You are supposed to squeeze and pull ever so gently until the tick gives up and lets go of the dog. Sounds easy, right? Well, it is, but only until the tick beside the tick you're squeezing moves. Then you have to not throw the dog and the ticks across the room and the contents of your stomach up.

So off to the vet we went, and now Carrie is tick-free.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


You see how these things kind of creep up on people.*

I was not to foster unless I'm home during the day. But then for a couple of weeks Don was away and the rule was accidentally broken when I took little Sai in (only because he had nowhere else to go).

Now that Sai has been adopted, I find again that I am longing for a foster dog. We need a spare dog, I told Don. We have a spare dog, he said. Ginny is a spare. No, I said. Iggy and Ginny are a pair. A third dog is a spare. *sigh*, said Don.

I am watching a little brown Schnauzer. He's not in Canada yet, but he will be soon and I don't think he has anywhere else to go. So maybe this weekend we will have a spare.
