Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Irresistable Sai

Okay, this is the scoop: I'm not supposed to foster while I'm working full time outside the home. That's because patient husband Don works at home, and (and I quote), "I can't get any work done when blah blah blah."

So now I'm working outside the home, full-time. But I keep checking the websites and reading the e-mails. I pretend I'm going to foster certain dogs, stopping just short of the [ENTER] or, as it's known in my house, the [DANGER! DANGER!] key.

A couple of things happened that got me off-track. First, Don has been out of town. And then I kept seeing Sai on the website and one thing led to another and, well ... here's my little buddy.

I mean, really ... how could I have been expected to resist? Have you ever seen such a beautiful face?

1 comment:

  1. It is sooooooooo good to see you fostering but most of all it is soooooooooo good to read your blogs! I enjoy them immensely! China aka Leo is a cutey too. You give your dogs such a personality...
